Saniyya's 3rd Birthday Session
I can't believe this little lady is turning 3! I remember when she was still in her mama's tummy, then doing her newborn photos when she...

The Harrison/Bays/Dragich Family Session
This family was such a blast to hang out with. I might have taken a few photos between the chatting and laughing as well!

Joe's Family Session
I had the pleasure of photographing Joe and his 3 children and grand-daughter along the river in Durango. I can not believe how much his...

The Hofmann Family/Maternity Session
I had the pleasure of photographing this adorable little family's maternity session. Kirby's best friend arranged the session in advance...
Welcome to the New Website!
After about two years of playing with the idea of creating an actual website rather than just a blog featuring my photography, I've...